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Enhancing River Stewardship: Establishing a Foundation and Education Campaign for the Texas State River Education and Stewardship Alliance

sewell park
Sewell Park

Project Summary

Facilitated by the Meadows Center, the River Education and Stewardship Alliance (RESA) at Texas State University is a student-centered, faculty- and staff-supported initiative focused on educating the campus community about the San Marcos Springs and San Marcos River and promoting environmental stewardship through education and outreach.

RESA was formed in response to the environmental degradation of riparian and aquatic habitats in the Headwaters area—between Spring Lake Dam and University Drive—near Kerbey Lane Café (Upper Sewell Park). This sensitive stretch of the Upper San Marcos River, owned and managed by Texas State University, provides aquatic recreation access and is home to several federally protected species. However, extremely low flows and heavy recreational use have significantly damaged this ecosystem in recent years. Trampling in riparian areas and the riverbed has damaged endangered Texas wild-rice and other native aquatic plants that provide habitat for species like the endangered fountain darter.

As a partner in the Edwards Aquifer Habitat Conservation Plan and co-permittee of an Incidental Take Permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Texas State University is responsible for implementing habitat protection measures, such as managing public recreation, restoring aquatic vegetation, protecting riparian zones, and reducing litter to minimize harm ("take") to vulnerable species.

Recognizing the need for unified, comprehensive outreach to address these challenges, this project will create a sustainable foundation for RESA to continue its river stewardship work and launch a river education campaign to actively engage the Texas State student community in protecting and preserving the San Marcos River and its unique ecosystems for future generations. 

The campaign will include enhanced educational signage in Upper Sewell Park and Sewell Park and a dedicated website to promote river stewardship. These resources will highlight the ecological importance of endangered and threatened species and their habitats—encouraging greater awareness, involvement, and pride in protecting the San Marcos River.


About RESA

  • RESA is dedicated to advancing the University's objectives of fostering student success and promoting community enrichment, collaboration, and partnership. Our mission is grounded in the University’s shared value of responsible stewardship of our natural resources and environment. 

    As a student-centered, staff and faculty-supported alliance, RESA educates the Texas State community about the San Marcos Springs and River—that we view as our life source—and we engage in outreach on environmental stewardship, including preserving threatened and endangered species habitat and ensuring high water quality, through a unified and comprehensive approach. 

  • RESA is a collaborative, University-guided source of education, outreach, and resources to support a healthy and resilient San Marcos springs, river, and watershed that is respected and protected by Texas State University students, staff, faculty, and visitors.  

Project Lead

christina lopez

Christina Lopez, Ph.D.

Human-Environment Research Scientist, Watershed Services 
(512) 245-0955



Funding for this project was provided by the Texas State University Environmental Service Committee.