Texas Stream Team Monitoring Equipment Directory
Below are detailed lists of equipment for Texas Stream Team citizen scientists to conduct water quality monitoring. Texas Stream Team is a federally recognized state-wide monitoring program with an approved Quality Assurance Project Plan, therefore all monitoring must be conducted with the equipment listed in the sections below unless noted otherwise.
Texas Stream Team is entirely grant funded and is limited financially in our ability to help our growing statewide community scientists. We highly encourage our partners to seek alternate funding sources. To help guide our monitors to funding sources, we have created a Funding Sources Document. New partners and citizen scientists are more likely to receive Texas Stream Team funds to help them get established.
All pricing listed below is subject to change at the vendors discretion. To order supplies, simply visit the vendor’s website or call them directly. Some vendors may require you set up an account with a valid credit card. Also, please note, Weber Scientific only conducts transactions with major organizations. If you need supplies from this vendor, please fill out our Supply Request Form and notate you will be covering the supply costs so we can order the supplies for you and invoice your organization for reimbursement. Please note, this may add 2-3 weeks for delivery time.
- Standard Core Water Quality Monitoring Equipment
- Probe Core Water Quality Monitoring Equipment
- E. coli Bacteria Monitoring Equipment
- Optical Brightener Monitoring Equipment
- Advanced Water Quality Monitoring Equipment
- Riparian Evaluation Monitoring Equipment
- Macroinvertebrate Bioassessment Monitoring Equipment
Texas Stream Team Contact Information:
Phone: 512.245.1346

ATTENTION: LaMotte provides the Texas Stream Team program with a 10% discount on eligible products; orders of 10+ of the same item receive a 20% discount. View LaMotte’s 2024 special price list. LaMotte does not have all these items/prices on its website, so you must call them at 800-344-3100 and mention Texas Stream Team when ordering to receive the discounted rate.
Company | Phone Number | Website |
Avantor | Phone Number 1-800-932-5000 | Website |
Capitol Scientific | Phone Number 1-512-836-1167 | Website |
Carolina | Phone Number 1-800-334-5551 | Website |
Fischer Scientific | Phone Number 1-800-766-7000 | Website |
Global Test Supply | Phone Number 1-888-610-7664 | Website |
Hach | Phone Number 1-800-227-4224 | Website |
Hanna Instruments | Phone Number 1-800-426-6287 | Website |
LaMotte * | Phone Number 1-800-344-3100 | Website |
Lowe's | Phone Number 1-800-445-6937 | Website |
Micrology Labs | Phone Number 1-888-981-3495 | Website |
Nasco | Phone Number 1-800-558-9595 | Website |
Tractor Supply | Phone Number 1-877-718-6750 | Website |
Weber Scientific ** | Phone Number 1-800-328-8378 | Website |
* Listed vendor has a $50 purchase minimum.
** Listed vendor only conducts transactions to major organizations. See introduction paragraph on how to proceed.
Standard Core Water Quality Monitoring Equipment
Standard Core monitoring involves performing tests for parameters such as conductivity/salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, total depth, water and air temperature, and water transparency using a chemical Standard Core kit. In addition to these parameters, Standard Core citizen scientists also conduct various field observations.
Standard Core Monitoring Supplies
The supplies listed in the table below are necessary for starting your monitoring program. Please note, buckets, DI bottles, waste containers, goggles, and gloves can be upcycled or purchased from the vendor of your choice.
The conductivity meter should be calibrated to a value closest to the observed values in the water body you will be monitoring. Typically, 1413µS standard would be the ideal standard for most monitoring sites. If you need assistance determining what conductivity standard you should purchase, please reach out to Texas Stream Team.
Item | Vendor | Part # | Qty | Price |
Standard Core Kit * | LaMotte - call direclty to order kit | XX01364-01 | 1 | $632.21 |
60 cm Transparency Tube** | Avantor | 470106-830 | 1 | $85.55 |
120 cm Transparency Tube** | Avantor | 470106-032 | 1 | $109.00 |
1 Gallon Plastic Pail | Amazon | 744456 | 1 | $10.10 |
D.I. Water Bottles | Capitol Scientific | NAL-2401-0500 | 24 | $164.03 |
Distilled Water | H-E-B | N/A | 1 | $1.42 |
Waste Bottles | Capitol Scientific | B6542-32 | 24 | $174.16 |
Goggles | Capitol Scientific | BEL-24873-0000 | 1 | $32.72 |
Gloves - S | Amazon | N/A | 1 pack | $9.98 |
Gloves - M | Amazon | N/A | 1 pack | $9.98 |
Gloves - L | Amazon | N/A | 1 pack | $9.98 |
Conductivity Standard (84µS, 0.5L)*** | Hanna Instruments | HI7033/1L | 1 | $24.99 |
Conductivity Standard (1413 µS, 1L)*** | Hanna Instruments | HI7031/1L | 1 | $24.99 |
Conductivity Standard (12880 µS, 0.5L)*** | Hanna Instruments | HI7030/1L | 1 | $24.99 |
Refractometer**** | Amazon | STX-3 | 1 | $105.96 |
Salt Calibration Standard | LaMotte | 6005-G | 1 | $10.85 |
* The Standard Core Kit must be purchased by calling LaMotte directly.
** If use of the Secchi Disk is impractical due to the water body being too shallow or flowing too swiftly, a transparency tube may be used instead of the Secchi Disk.
*** Read the paragraph above for guidance on which conductivity standard solution to purchase.
**** A refractometer should be used instead of the conductivity meter in areas with higher salinity.
Standard Core Monitoring Replacement Reagents
The Standard Core water quality monitoring kit will need to be restocked as reagent are depleted or expire. The table below includes prices for replacement reagents.
Item | Vendor | Part # | Quantity | Price |
Wide Range Indicator Solution | LaMotte | 2218-G | 1 | $ 9.54 |
Sodium Thiosulfate | LaMotte | 4169-H | 1 | $ 11.84 |
Alkaline Potassium Iodide Azide | LaMotte | 7166-G | 1 | $ 15.62 |
Sulfuric Acid | LaMotte | 6141WT-G | 1 | $ 10.76 |
Starch indicator Solution | LaMotte | 4170WT-G | 1 | $ 9.14 |
Manganous Sulfate Solution | LaMotte | 4167-G | 1 | $ 12.47 |
Conductivity Standard (84µS, 0.5L)* | Hanna Instruments | HI7033/1L | 1 | $ 24.99 |
Conductivity Standard (1413 µS, 1L)* | Hanna Instruments | HI7031/1L | 1 | $ 24.99 |
Conductivity Standard (12880 µS, 0.5L)* | Hanna Instruments | HI7030/1L | 1 | $ 24.99 |
*Read through the paragraph above for guidance on which conductivity standard solution to purchase.
Standard Core Monitoring Replacement Equipment and Supplies
Equipment and supplies may become lost or broken. The table below includes items in the Standard Core monitoring kit that may need replacing.
Item | Vendor | Part # | Quantity | Price |
Secchi Disc | LaMotte | 0171-CL | 1 | $ 85.50 |
Armored, Centigrade Thermometer | LaMotte | 1066 | 1 | $ 29.66 |
Titrators & pink tips (0 to 10 Range) | LaMotte | 0377 | 1 | $ 8.60 |
Titration tube, 20 mL w/ Caps | LaMotte | 0608 | 1 | $ 4.55 |
Titrator tips only (pink) | LaMotte | 23573-3 | 1 | $ 0.81 |
Glass Bottles, 60 mL | LaMotte | 0688-DO | 1 | $ 6.75 |
10 mL Test Tubes w/cap | LaMotte | 0106 | 1 | $ 4.37 |
Octa Slide 2 Viewer | LaMotte | 1101 | 1 | $ 21.56 |
Wide Range pH Octa-Slide 2 Bar (3-6.5) | LaMotte | 2193-01 | 1 | $ 28.13 |
Wide Range pH Octa-Slide 2 Bar (7-10.5) | LaMotte | 2196-01 | 1 | $ 28.13 |
150 mL plastic beaker | LaMotte | 2-2011 | 1 | $ 4.37 |
Gray Conductivity Meter – PockeTesterTM | LaMotte | 1749 | 1 | $ 157.50 |
Batteries for Gray Conductivity Meters - CR2032 | Amazon | N/A | 20 | $ 8.99 |
Batteries for Beige Conductivity Meters - LR44 1.5V | Amazon | N/A | 20 | $ 5.99 |
Probe Core Water Quality Monitoring Equipment
monitoring involves performing tests to measure parameters such as conductivity/salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, total depth, water and air temperature, and water transparency using a Probe Core kit. The parameters measured in the Probe Core training are the same parameters measured in the Standard Core training, however, Probe Core monitors use digital meters as opposed to chemical tests. Probe Core citizen scientists also measure the same field observations that are measured by Standard Core citizen scientists.
Probe Core Monitoring Equipment and Supplies
The supplies listed in the table below are necessary for starting your monitoring program. Please note, buckets, DI bottles, waste containers, goggles, and gloves can be upcycled or purchased from the vendor of your choice.
The conductivity meter should be calibrated to a value closest to the observed values in the water body you will be monitoring. Typically, 1413µS standard would be the ideal standard for most monitoring sites. If you need assistance determining what conductivity standard you should purchase, please reach out to Texas Stream Team.
Item | Vendor | Part # | Qty | Price |
Probe Kit (ExStik® II DO/pH/Conductivity) | Amazon | B004WN6BEA | 1 | $434.27 |
Secchi Disc | LaMotte | 1 | 85.5 | $85.50 |
Armored, Centigrade Thermometer | LaMotte | 1 | 29.66 | $29.66 |
60 cm Transparency Tube* | Avantor | 470106-830 | 1 | $85.55 |
120 cm Transparency Tube* | Avantor | 470106-032 | 1 | $109.00 |
1 Gallon Plastic Pail | Amazon | 744456 | 1 | $10.10 |
D.I. Water Bottles | Capitol Scientific | NAL-2401-0500 | 24 | $164.03 |
Distilled Water** | H-E-B | N/A | 1 | $1.42 |
Waste Bottles | Capitol Scientific | B6542-32 | 24 | $174.16 |
Goggles | Capitol Scientific | BEL-24873-0000 | 1 | $32.72 |
Gloves - S | Amazon | N/A | 1 pack | $9.98 |
Gloves - M | Amazon | N/A | 1 pack | $9.98 |
Gloves - L | Amazon | N/A | 1 pack | $9.98 |
Conductivity Standard (84µS, 0.5L)*** | Hanna Instruments | HI7033/1L | 1 | $24.99 |
Conductivity Standard (1413 µS, 1L)*** | Hanna Instruments | HI7031/1L | 1 | $24.99 |
Conductivity Standard (12880 µS, 0.5L)*** | Hanna Instruments | HI7030/1L | 1 | $24.99 |
pH Buffer 4.00**** | Global Test Supply | 63739506559 | 1 | $18.43 |
pH Buffer 7.00**** | Global Test Supply | 63739506570 | 1 | $18.43 |
pH Buffer 10.00**** | Global Test Supply | 63739506576 | 1 | $18.43 |
Refractometer***** | Amazon | STX-3 | 1 | $105.96 |
*If use of the Secchi Disk is impractical due to the water body being too shallow or flowing too swiftly, a transparency tube may be used instead of the Secchi Disk.
**Distilled water may be used if DI water is not available.
***Read through the paragraph above for guidance on which conductivity standard solution to purchase.
****Only 1 pH solution is needed. Select the pH value that is closest to the value of your monitoring site.
*****A refractometer should be used instead of the conductivity meter in areas with higher salinity.
Probe Core Monitoring Replacement Reagents
The Probe Core water quality monitoring kit will need to be restocked as solutions are depleted or expire. The table below includes prices for replacement solutions.
Item | Vendor | Part # | Quantity | Price |
Distilled Water* | HEB | N/A | 1 | $ 1.42 |
Conductivity Standard (84µS, 0.5L)** | Hanna Instruments | HI7033/1L | 1 | $ 24.99 |
Conductivity Standard (1413 µS, 1L)** | Hanna Instruments | HI7031/1L | 1 | $ 24.99 |
Conductivity Standard (12880 µS, 0.5L)** | Hanna Instruments | HI70301/L | 1 | $ 24.99 |
pH Buffer 4.00*** | Global Test Supply | 63739506559 | 1 | $ 18.43 |
pH Buffer 7.00*** | Global Test Supply | 63739506570 | 1 | $ 18.43 |
pH Buffer 10.00*** | Global Test Supply | 63739506576 | 1 | $ 18.43 |
*Distilled water may be used if DI water is not available.
**Read through the paragraph above for guidance on which conductivity standard solution to purchase.
***Only one pH solution is needed. Select the pH value that is closest to the value of your monitoring site.
Probe Core Monitoring Replacement Equipment and Supplies
Equipment and supplies may become lost or broken. The table below includes items in the Probe Core water quality monitoring kit that may need replacing.
Item | Vendor | Part # | Quantity | Price |
ExStik Replacement Dissolved Oxygen Module | Amazon | 793950066058 | 1 | $ 220.35 |
ExStik Replacement pH/Conductivity Module | Amazon | 793950055052 | 1 | $ 61.74 |
Dissolved Oxygen ExStik® II meter | Test Equipment Depot | 793950056004 | 1 | $ 245.95 |
pH/Conductivity ExStik® II meter | Tequipment | 793950055007 | 1 | $ 162.08 |
Membrane Kit for ExStik DO Meter (5pk w/ 1 Filling Solution) | ExTech | DO603 | 1 | $ 79.99 |
Sample Solution Cups | Amazon | EX007 | 24 | $ 17.98 |
150 mL plastic beaker | LaMotte | 2-2011 | 1 | $ 4.37 |
Weighted Base & 5 Sample Solution Cups | ExTech | EX006 | 1 | $ 14.99 |
LiCB CR2032 Batteries | Amazon | N/A | 20 | $ 8.99 |
E. coli Bacteria Monitoring Equipment
E. coli Bacteria monitoring involves performing tests for E. coli bacteria that can be performed at the same sampling time and location as monthly Core monitoring. E. coli is measured to determine the relative risk of swimming (contact recreation) in a water body. E. coli is a bacterium that originates from the wastes of warm-blooded animals. The presence of bacteria indicates that associated pathogens from waste may be reaching a body of water. Sources of E. coli include inadequately treated sewage, improperly managed animal waste from livestock, pets, aquatic birds and wildlife, or failing septic systems.
E. coli Bacteria Monitoring Supplies
The supplies listed in the table below are necessary for starting your monitoring program. Please note, buckets, DI bottles, waste containers, goggles, and gloves can be upcycled or purchased from the vendor of your choice.
Item | Vendor | Part # | Qty | Price |
Goggles | Capitol Scientific | BEL-24873-0000 | 1 | $32.72 |
Gloves - S | Amazon | N/A | 1 pack | $11.50 |
Gloves - M | Amazon | N/A | 1 pack | $11.50 |
Gloves - L | Amazon | N/A | 1 pack | $11.50 |
Whirl-Pak Bags | Nasco | B01062 | 500 | $97.00 |
100 mL DI Water Bottle | Hach | 27242 | 1 | $15.20 |
Petri Dishes & Coliscan Easygel | Weber Scientific | 3093-45 | 50 | $133.52 |
5 mL Graduated Sterile Pipettes | Fisher Scientific | 13-711-20 | 500 | $127.00 |
Organic Cotton Tampons | Amazon | N/A | 10 | $2.97 |
Incubator | Tractor Supply | 216737999 | 1 | $59.99 |
MacroLens* | Carolina | 184558 | 1 | $17.70 |
1 Gallon Plastic Pail** | Amazon | 744456 | 1 | $10.10 |
Magnifying Glass* | Amazon | N/A | 1 | $6.99 |
Extension Pole** | Capitol Scientific | B01310WA | 1 | $174.50 |
Ziploc Bags, Gallon | H-E-B | N/A | 1 | $5.70 |
Bleach | H-E-B | N/A | 1 | $1.30 |
*Monitors can choose to use the LaMotte MacroLens or a standard magnifying glass depending on their personal preference
**Not required
E. coli Bacteria Monitoring Replacement Reagents
The reagents used to monitor E. coli bacteria will need to be restocked as they are depleted or expire. The table below includes prices for replacement reagents.
Item | Vendor | Part # | Quantity | Price |
100 mL DI Water Bottle | Hach | 27242 | 1 | $ 15.20 |
Petri Dishes & Coliscan Easygel | Weber Scientific | 3093-45 | 50 | $ 133.52 |
E. coli Bacteria Monitoring Replacement Equipment and Supplies
Equipment and supplies may become lost, broken, or depleted. The table below includes items used for E. coli bacteria monitoring that may need replacing.
Item | Vendor | Part # | Qty | Price |
Whirlpack Bags | Nasco | B01062 | 500 | $97.00 |
5 mL Graduated Sterile Pipettes | Fisher Scientific | 13-711-20 | 500 | $127.00 |
Incubator | Tractor Supply | 216737999 | 1 | $59.99 |
LaMotte MacroLens* | Carolina | 184558 | 1 | $17.70 |
Magnifying Glass* | Amazon | N/A | 1 | $6.99 |
*Monitors can choose to use the LaMotte Macro Lens or the standard magnifying glass depending on their personal preference.
Optical Brightener Monitoring Equipment
Optical Brightener monitoring involves deploying an organic tampon to determine the presence of optical brighteners within the water body of interest. Optical brighteners are synthetic chemicals added to products, such as detergents and soaps, to make materials appear whiter and brighter. When conducted alongside E. Coli monitoring, optical brightener monitoring can be used to indicate potential sources of bacterial contamination
Optical Brightener Monitoring Supplies
The supplies listed in the table below are necessary for starting your monitoring program. Please note, buckets, DI bottles, waste containers, goggles, and gloves can be upcycled or purchased from the vendor of your choice.
Item | Vendor | Part # | Qty | Price | |
Goggles | Capitol Scientific | BEL-24873-0000 | 1 | $32.72 | |
Gloves - S | Amazon | N/A | 1 pack | $11.50 | |
Gloves - M | Amazon | N/A | 1 pack | $11.50 | |
Gloves - L | Amazon | N/A | 1 pack | $11.50 | |
100 mL DI Water Bottle | Hach | 27242 | 1 | $15.20 | |
Black Whirl-Pak Bags | Whirl-Pak Filtration Group | 9496 | 500 | $189.00 | |
365 nm UV LED Black Light Flashlight | Amazon | N/A | 1 | $7.99 | |
AAA Batteries | Amazon | N/A | 10 | $10.87 | |
Organic Cotton Tampons | Amazon | N/A | 10 | $2.97 | |
Fine Tip Sharpie | Amazon | N/A | 5 | $4.87 | |
Tweezers/Forceps | Amazon | N/A | 1 | $2.09 | |
1 Gallon Plastic Pail** | Amazon | 744456 | 1 | $10.10 | |
Waste Bottles | Capitol Scientific | B6542-32 | 24 | $174.16 | |
On-Site Modified Bottle Method | |||||
Recycled Plastic Bottle N/A | N/A | N/A | |||
Box Cutter/Scalpels | Amazon | N/A | 2 | $7.99 | |
Monofilament Line* | Amazon | N/A | 1 | $7.02 | |
Rope* | Lowes | 1289843 | 1 | $5.98 | |
Off-Site Whirl-Pak Bag Method | |||||
Extension Pole** | Capitol Scientific | B01310WA | 1 | $174.50 |
*Can use monofilament line or rope if using the On-Site Modified Bottle method.
**Can use a bucket or extension pole if grabbing sample from the water directly is not feasible.
Optical Brightener Monitoring Ongoing Replacement Supplies
The below supplies used for optical brightener monitoring will need to be restocked as they are depleted or expire. The table below includes prices for replacement supplies.
Advanced Water Quality Monitoring Equipment
involves performing tests on sample water to measure nitrate-nitrogen, orthophosphate, turbidity, and streamflow. Advanced monitoring through Texas Stream Team must be conducted with the following equipment and supplies. Please consider the quantity of each product in regard to the total cost.
Advanced Monitoring Supplies
The supplies listed in the table below are necessary for starting your monitoring program. Please note, buckets, DI bottles, waste containers, goggles, and gloves can be upcycled or purchased from the vendor of your choice.
Item | Vendor | Part # | Qty | Price | |
Advanced Kit* | LaMotte | XX01406-01 | 1 | $182.39 | |
1 Gallon Plastic Pail | Amazon | 744456 | 1 | $10.10 | |
D.I. Water Bottles | Capitol Scientific | NAL-2401-0500 | 24 | $164.03 | |
Distilled Water | H-E-B | N/A | 1 | $1.42 | |
Waste Bottles | Capitol Scientific | B6542-32 | 24 | $174.16 | |
Goggles | Capitol Scientific | BEL-24873-0000 | 1 | $32.72 | |
Gloves - S | Amazon | N/A | 1 pack | $9.98 | |
Gloves - M | Amazon | N/A | 1 pack | $9.98 | |
Gloves - L | Amazon | N/A | 1 pack | $9.98 | |
Streamflow Supplies | |||||
Aluminum Meter Stick | Fisher Scientific | S81755 | 1 | $13.25 | |
Stopwatch | Amazon | N/A | 1 | $6.99 | |
Whiffle Balls | Amazon | N/A | 6 | $6.99 | |
Tape Measure | Nasco Education | SB33643 | 1 | $6.95 |
* Please note, the Advanced Kit must be purchased by calling LaMotte directly. Additionally, this item is the only item required to be purchased by a specific vendor for this training.
Advanced Monitoring Replacement Reagents
Advanced monitoring kit will need to be restocked as reagents are depleted or expire. The table below includes prices for replacement reagents.
Advanced Monitoring Replacement Equipment and Supplies
Equipment and supplies may become lost or broken. The table below includes items in the Advanced monitoring kit that may need replacing.
Item | Vendor | Part # | Quantity | Price |
Dropper, glass | Hach | 1419705 | 5 | $ 23.95 |
Filter Paper | Hach | 189457 | 100 | $ 95.59 |
Mixing Bottle Caps | Hach | 2166706 | 6 | $ 8.15 |
Mixing Bottles | Hach | 232706 | 6 | $ 28.05 |
Nitrate-Nitrogen Octa-Slide, 0-15 ppm | LaMotte | 3494-01 | 1 | $ 28.13 |
Octa-Slide Viewer | LaMotte | 1101 | 1 | $ 21.56 |
Plastic Analytical Funnel | Hach | 108367 | 1 | $ 13.59 |
Protective Sleeves for Test Tube | LaMotte | 0106-FP | 1 | $ 0.56 |
Stoppers for Glass Color Viewing Tubes | Hach | 173106 | 6 | $ 15.35 |
Test Tube, 10.0mL, plastic, w/caps | LaMotte | 0106 | 1 | $ 4.37 |
Riparian Evaluation Monitoring Equipment
Riparian Biomonitors assess the health of lakes, rivers, streams, or estuaries based on the quality of the riparian habitat. Riparian indicators are used to track ecosystem and habitat health over time in the rivers and streams that flow to the Texas Gulf Coast.
Riparian Evaluation Monitoring does not require any starting supplies. However, you may find it useful to have a personal copy of the Remarkable Riparian Field Guidebook Set listed below.
Item | Vendor | Part # | Quantity | Price |
Your Remarkable Riparian Books | Nueces River Authority - Sold thorugh TST Store | N/A | 1 | See Online Store |
Macroinvertebrate Bioassessment Monitoring Equipment
Macroinvertebrate Biomonitors assess the health of lakes, rivers, streams or estuaries based on the aquatic insects that live there. Data are coupled with water quality data and used to track ecosystem and habitat health over time in the rivers and streams that flow to the Texas Gulf Coast.
Macroinvertebrate Bioassessment Equipment and Supplies
Please note, the equipment and supplies listed below can be purchased from any vendor or store. We strongly encourage upcycling where possible.
Item | Vendor | Part # | Quantity | Price |
1 Gallon Plastic Pail | Amazon | 744456 | 1 | $10.10 |
Waders | Amazon | N/A | 1 | $49.99 |
Tweezers | Amazon | N/A | 1 | $1.77 |
Dip Net | Lowes | 2566879 | 1 | $26.98 |
12 QT Dishpans | Amazon | N/A | 4 | $21.99 |
Divider Tray Bundle | Amazon | N/A | 1 pack | $23.99 |
16-Slot Ice Trays | Walmart | N/A | 1 | $2.87 |
Clear Cups (7 oz) | Walmart | N/A | 1 pack | $6.28 |
Plastic Clear Spoons | Walmart | N/A | 1 box | $6.88 |
LaMotte MacroLens* | Carolina | 184558 | 1 | $17.70 |
Magnifying Glass* | Amazon | N/A | 1 | $6.99 |
Portable Air Pump | Amazon | 29326963158 | 1 | $8.88 |
D Batteries | Walmart | N/A | 4 | $8.97 |
*Monitors can choose to use the LaMotte MacroLens or a standard magnifying glass depending on their personal preference
Macroinvertebrate Bioassessment Replacement Equipment and Supplies
Equipment and supplies may become lost or broken. The table below includes items used for Macroinvertebrate Bioassessment monitoring that may need replacing.
Item | Vendor | Part # | Quantity | Price |
D Batteries | Walmart | N/A | 4 | $8.97 |
12 QT Trays/Dishpans | Amazon | N/A | 1 | $10.49 |
Shallow Rectangular Tray | Grainger | 24AN09 | 1 | $12.01 |
Shallow Rectangular Tray (Narrow) | Amazon | DH04261917W | 1 | 6.18 |
Shallow Rectangular Tray (Small) | Amazon | B07PNHC3TT | 10 | $11.49 |
16-Slot Ice Trays | Walmart | N/A | 1 | $2.87 |
150 mL plastic beaker | LaMotte | Feb-11 | 1 | $4.37 |
Small Tupperware Containers | Amazon | BB13533 | 1 box | $7.34 |
Clear Cups (7 oz) | Walmart | N/A | 1 pack | $6.28 |
Plastic Clear Spoons | Walmart | N/A | 1 box | $6.88 |
Funnels | Amazon | 5015 | 1 | $6.79 |
LaMotte MacroLens* | Carolina | 184558 | 1 | $17.70 |
Magnifying Glass* | Amazon | N/A | 1 | $6.99 |
*Monitors can choose to use the LaMotte MacroLens or a standard magnifying glass depending on their personal preference