Teacher Credits
Teacher Credits
Teachers can receive credits for Texas Environmental Education Advisory Committee (TEEAC) and Continuing Professional Education (CPE) by participating in training sessions offered by Texas Stream Team.
By completing all phases of a Texas Steam Team citizen scientist training, teachers will receive 5 TEEAC and CPE credit hours. These credits will be validated on the certificate of completion received following the training.
How can I sign up to receive credit?
Teachers can receive 5 TEEAC and CPE credits by attending any Texas Stream Team training listed on our Trainings and Programs page. The Texas Stream Team calendar has all the information needed to RSVP for the next upcoming training events. At the training, teachers will indicate on their training packet or Training Enrollment Form that they would like to receive TEEAC and CPE credit.
When do I receive my certificate?
After successfully completing all the phases of the Texas Stream Team training teachers will be emailed a Texas Stream Team certificate with the TEEAC and CPE credits listed within a month of the training date.
What is TEEAC and CPE?
Originally established by the Texas Legislature to assist and advise the Commissioner of Education on environmental education, TEEAC helps assure that professional development in environmental education aligns to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). In order to receive the Certificate of Recognition, TEEAC requires teachers to complete 45 hours of TEEAC endorsed instruction relating to environmental education.
After having completed 45 hours of TEEAC endorsed instruction - including Texas Stream Team trainings - TEEAC will send the teacher an Environmental Education Certificate. TEEAC will also send a letter of achievement to the teacher's principal and superintendent.
Learn more here.
CPE is required of all Texas educators holding a standard certificate. The appropriate number of clock-hours of CPE must be completed during each five-year renewal period. Classroom teachers must complete 150 CPE hours.
Learn more here.